Royal Photographic Society - Midlands Digital Centre

Forthcoming Events

September 18th. 
The centre holds an exhibition each year of it's members work, which will then be displayed at The Old School House during the month of October.
Each member should bring up to three pieces of work, and at least one image from each member will be displayed in the exhibition.
The three selectors will provide a commentary as they make their selection, giving all members a valuable insight into image selection.

After the exhibition selection we have the welcome return of Mike Abbot.

Mike will be  demonstrating techniques in composite image making - combining  multiple  images to make a new whole.  This will include tips on taking images for composites, as well as how to cut-out, retouch and assemble the final image. Composite images are a great way of combining images you may already have that are not quite there, and making a great new 'realistic' or 'surrealistic' image as you choose.

Mike runs his own digital imaging studio near Leamington Spa, specialising in photographic and CGI based digital illustration work. Mike is also an  Adobe Photoshop Certified Instructor, with training clients across the UK. He is also a past President of Leamington Photographic Society.

Here are a few previous examples of Mike's composite work, and he will be working on brand new images for his lecture.

To book at place at this or any event please contact John Timmins on [email protected]